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Why should I make a Wolverine account?
Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience - Register today and take advantage of fast, effortless checkout. Create an account to store all your payment methods & addresses securely in one place; track orders effortlessly; view past purchase history quickly; customize any preferences you'd like--all while having items saved in your bag up to a month!
Can I change my order after it was placed?
Wolverine is here to make sure you receive your order fast and accurately! To guarantee this, once an order has been placed it cannot be altered. However, return or exchange instructions are provided for any items that don't meet your expectations - simply visit: . We understand how difficult it can be when trying to find the perfect fit – which is why we offer a friendly customer service team ready via phone (800-247-6575) or live chat who will happily guide you in finding all of the styles suited just for you.
Wolverine shipping policy gives you the freedom to select from four reliable and timely shipping options – Standard Delivery, Express Delivery, Rush Delivery and US Postal Service - to have your orders shipped anywhere in all 50 United States. Orders are only packed on regular business days (Monday through Friday), with limited exceptions for major holidays such as Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day etc.. Receive tracking details right away when placing your order via email! At, we proudly honor those in the military by providing shipping to post offices utilizing USPS as our exclusive courier! Unfortunately expedited service is unavailable for these addresses at this time.
How long does it take to proceed and ship my order?
With every shipment we complete two stages - processing/packing that typically take between 24-48 business hours (excluding weekend orders), followed by transit times which depend upon the delivery method selected i.e Standard 2-6 days, Express 3-4 or Overnight 1-3 businesses day from date of order all based on location specifics as well!
About Wolverine
For over a century, Wolverine has been the go-to brand for hardwearing quality. Founder G.A Krause had a vision to build an Americanicon and in 1883 he founded his small leather tannery with just few employees. Through dedication and craftsmanship they pioneered reliable footwear that worked as hard as you do - earning itself legendary status along the way! In 1903 their success extended even further when it brought electricity to Rockford Michigan where we still reside today – never forget your heritage or how far you’ve come is our motto here at Wolverine! We've been perfecting the art of crafting quality boots since 1910 and we're proud to present an icon: The Original 1000 Mile boot. Made with soft, long-lasting shell horsehide leather and built by hand using methods passed down through generations, this timeless piece is sure to stand the test of time - just as it has for over a hundred years! We look forward to continuing our legacy in craftsmanship another century from now.