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Does David Yurman Have Free Shipping?
Enjoy the convenience of complimentary two-day shipping on your order - with it arriving within just a few days after you place your order! Order by midafternoon during weekdays or before noon on Saturdays and get delivery in two business days. Sunday shoppers can expect their orders to arrive promptly three days later.
What if I want to return my order?
At David Yurman, they understand the complexities of our current situation and want to make your shopping experience hassle-free. They are offering a 45 day full refund for all purchases made from either their website or stores – no questions asked! For those who received an item as a gift, they can opt for an exchangeable merchandise credit instead. Cash returns will be reimbursed by company check while original payments will be credited back to its source. Shop with confidence knowing that you have multiple options in case something isn't quite right!
Can I track my order?
Already a customer? Log in now to track orders and explore your purchase history!Don't have an account yet? No problem; simply visit their Track Your Order page with the order number, email address and billing zip code - it's as easy as that.
Does David Yurman Have A Military Discount?
For those serving in the military, David Yurman is proud to recognize their service with a 10% discount on engagement rings and wedding bands! This promotion can be redeemed at participating US stores (with maximum savings of $1,000) and has various restrictions. To find out more about this special offer visit your local David Yurman boutique today.
How can I get an item repaired?
With David Yurman, you can enjoy your stunning pieces for many years to come. When they need some extra TLC, their experienced specialists are available and happy to help revive their beauty so that they last a lifetime! Simply take them into any of the luxurious boutiques , and they will take care of all the arrangements from there.
About David Yurman
With a shared passion for art and fashion, David and Sybil Yurman joined forces in 1980 to revolutionize the jewelry industry with their own unique spin. Drawing from ancient cave drawings that first inspired David's artistic eye, as well as French Impressionist painter colour palettes which were studied by Sybil, these two creative minds created an entirely new category of American Designer Jewelry - where style meets function!In 1969, David and Sybil's fateful encounter forged a union of artistry and ambition that has spanned over five decades. What began as two individual dreams to create beautiful clothing blossomed into an enduring collaborative venture involving their son Evan, business partners, and loyal customers. Together they have built a timeless legacy out of mutual creativityand dedication!